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Tom Brady vs Aaron Rodgers

Hello Everybody,

This next Sunday the debate will be settled of who is the greatest Quarterback of all-time. Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady? I'm sorry to disappoint everyone but a game doesn't settle who the GOAT is, a career of excellence does and in that the debate is settled. Sports is measured in wins and loses, not in yards, (which Brady has more) or touchdowns (which Brady has more) or passer rating (which Aaron has greatest passer rating in NFL history) but in Wins and Loses. None of the great Qb's at the end of the season will be like "We lost in the playoffs but I broke QBR records and passer rating records". Now I am not denying that Aaron Rodgers is clearly the most gifted thrower of the football that we have ever seen, because some throws that he makes are extraterrestrial but in terms of overall performance to put him on the same pedestal with Tom Brady is asinine. I have to admit that I am
new to the sport of football, having watching it for 4 years now and also being a Patriots fan makes me a bit biased, but I reward great Quarterback play and Aaron has been all-time great but that's enough. You can't compare a guy who has made it to one Superbowl with a guy who has made it to eight and to the people that believe that this Sunday will settle this debate, I pray for you. Don't get it twisted, Aaron Rodgers is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad man because he has done things with the ball I can safely say nobody has done before and he will be remembered when its all set in stone as a top five Qb to play the game of football. To conclude I want to convey the message that while it is hard to reach the top, it is much harder to stay at the top and what Tom Brady has done year after year since the year I was born, in the NFL makes him the GOAT and while Aaron Rodgers isn't close at the moment he should reassure himself, because nobody is close to TB12.


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